Five Things to Say When Telling Your Children About Your Divorce

Any family law attorney practicing in Vancouver WA can help you with child custody matters. Very few take the extra step, like Lambert Law Office, to impart five things to say when telling your children about your divorce.

Mom and Daughter right before she tells her about her divorceGoing through a divorce can be extremely difficult. Especially difficult, is explaining to your children that you are getting a divorce.

It’s an ordeal that can make a parent feel fear, shame, guilt, and anxiety. Your children have nothing to do with your divorce, but will be hurt by it nonetheless.

When breaking the news to your children, consider conveying the following five messages.

“My divorce is not your fault.”

Think about conveying the idea that you and your spouse are the ones having problems and none of your problems have anything to do with your children or anything they did.

“We will always be your parents.”

Consider letting your children know that their parents will always be their “real” parents.

“We will always love you.”

Reinforce the idea that you and your spouse will continue to love your children despite your divorce.

“You are safe.”

It’s recommended that you ensure your children that they will be safe during and after your divorce.

“This is about change.”

Maybe you can explain to your children that a divorce is about change, not blame.

If you need a family law attorney in Vancouver WA, contact Lambert Office today!

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