Vancouver, WA Divorce Attorney–Lambert Law

You want what is best for him.

You want what is best for him.

The Good Karma Divorce was written by Judge Lowrance. She spent 20 years as a domestic relations lawyer.

In a recent interview published in Divorce Magazine Judge Lowrance suggests that parents often express the belief that children of divorce are resilient.

“This myth creates the failure in parents take adequate precautions,” Judge Lowrance said. “People stand in front of me and say, ‘I love my children. I would never do anything to hurt them.’ And yet their behavior is not in concert with their heart’s intentions. There is a different kind of parenting, upgraded parenting skills to protect children, and the failure to do that has caused fifty percent of the children of divorce to never want to get married, and two thirds of them don’t want to have children. That’s really problematic.”

At Lambert Law we can give you resources as to how to work through this divorce in such a way that the children will become resilient.

Click here to contact Lambert Law and start a plan to help those you love most.

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Call 360-737-1473.

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