Serious About Divorce Dealings at Lambert Law in Vancouver

You know divorce is serious, that doesn't mean there can't be fun, too.

You know divorce is serious, that doesn’t mean there can’t be fun, too.

Lambert Law Office represents individuals with any kind of family law issues. Our team is interested in making the best of every situation.  That is why we find this article slightly humorous. The article entitled “Divorce Humor” was posted by Peter Desrochers  on

The author claims that he and a couple colleagues started jotting down some of the funnier and more bizarre happenings during divorce mediations. To read the list in its entirety go to

Here are some of his examples:

  • “My husband had his project cut off a few months ago, and he hasn’t provided me with any relief since.”
  • “In accordance with my lawyer’s instructions, I gave birth to the twins in this envelope right here.”
  • “Hey, the only beast in you is a jackass!”
  • “I don’t think I was to blame for the bad marriage, or him either. But if either was to blame, it was him.”
  • “If you stand close enough to him you can hear the ocean.”
  • “Do we have to bring that steamroller in high heels back into the room?”
  • “Sharing his bed was OK. Sharing his bathroom was gross.”
  • “She took a baseball bat to the motorcycle I was building in the garage. It just lay there, silent and motionless.”
  • “Shut up, you prehistoric old bugger…does it still have to be his turn to talk?”
  • “My husband is very abusive. He always hits me back a lot harder than I hit him.”
  • “She had an affair without warning me of her intentions.”
  • (To the mediator) “Did you notice how she dresses better for these mediations than she does for me?”
  • “Calling him an idiot is an insult to stupid people.”
  • “It’s men like him that make women gay.”
  • “He was stationed back in the States after being injured by a roadside IUD”
  • “Isn’t having an affair with one man for a long time better than what he did? He had affairs with lots of women and they never lasted long. At least with me you know where it’s been.”
  • “The only thing that will get a rise around you is my middle finger!”
  • “How he can have such a narrow mind in that expanse of nothingness is beyond me.”
  • “He keeps telling our daughter that I’m illiterate. That ain’t right, ‘cause he knows we were married a week before she was born.”
  • “He tells so many little white lies he could repaint the kitchen.”
  • “He’s an instant idiot…just add the booze.”
  • “I’m not a whore, and even if I was, I’d have better clients than him.”

Just because we can find humor in various situation does not mean that we don’t take our job very seriously. As family attorneys our staff is resolute about helping families transition smoothly.

The practice areas include:

  • Divorce
  • Domestic Partnerships
  • Meretricious Relationships
  • Unmarried Parents (Custody and Support)
  • Non-Parent Custody
  • Spousal Maintenance
  • Parenting Plan Modifications
  • Support Modifications
  • Adoption

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