Lambert Law, Family Attorneys in Vancouver, What You Want in A Divorce

At Lambert Law we aren’t just interested in getting your divorce signed; our goal is to help you achieve a long-term well-being in whatever your new life is going to be.

Before you start your divorce you need to look clearly at what problems divorce can solve and the problems that won’t be improved through divorce.

You need to discuss with us what you really want from your divorce. There are so many concerns during a divorce, including financial, emotional and logistics.

As dispassionately as possible, you should look through these concerns.


  • Will I be able to afford normal living expenses?
  • Will I have security for retirement?
  • Do I need to take time to train for a new career?
  • Can I continue my present lifestyle?

Emotional/psychological Needs

  • How important is it to have control over aspects of my life?
  • How can I protect my reputation?
  • How can we safeguard secrets and other shared personal information from friends, family and community?

Concerns regarding children

  • What will their lives be like?
  • What values are important in setting up a new structure for them?
  • How do we talk with them about the divorce?
  • How important is it that we agree to the same rules concerning homework, television, etc.
  • How do we handle dating and introducing new significant others.
  • Are there dietary, health, academic or therapy issues that need to be managed.
  • What role will religion play in the children’s lives?
  • How will you deal with future events such as school programs, sports, graduations, etc.

Community relationships

  • Will both of your maintain contact with friends shared as a couple?
  • How will you maintain contact with in-laws?
  • How do I feel about my family maintaining contact with my former spouse?

These are questions to help you start discovering what is important to you.

As you articulate your priorities, we will be better equipped to help you.

Call Lambert Law today 360 737-1473  or click here to set up an appointment.

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