Family Law Vancouver WA- Divorce Questions

Deciding to get a divorce is often very difficult. You need to ask yourself several questions:

  • Is it a divorce you want or are you just threatening a divorce. If you are just angry at your spouse and threatening a divorce because you are frustrated over finances, children, re-location or other concerns, you may want to give yourself some time. Don’t use threats of divorce to get your way or as a means of having power over your spouse.
  • Is this decision for a divorce an emotional reaction to something? If you are ready for a divorce then you have to be ready to let go of any emotional attachments you have to your spouse.
  • Has your spouse physically or emotionally abuse you? Are you afraid of your spouse? If you answer, “yes” to either one of these questions, you probably should seriously consider a divorce.
  • Are you ready to face the realities of divorce and not just the fantasy?

Once you have made the decision to divorce, contact a qualified divorce attorney to make sure that the decision you make now will help you long term. Located in Vancouver, WA, Lambert Law Office represents men and women, fathers, mothers, domestic partners, grandparents, extended family and adoptive parents in the resolution of family law issues. Crystal Lambert understands that each matter — from divorce, to child custody, to adoption — is unique, and carries with it unique goals. Call or click here to read more about Lambert Law. Lambert Law will give you the sensitive kind of help you need. 360-737-1473.

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