Child Support During a Dissolution of Marriage: Call Lambert Law

One of the most important issues which needs to be addressed in any divorce or “dissolution of marriage” is child support.  A Vancouver, WA attorney can explain the following in more detail.

Click here to read more about one Vancouver, WA family lawyer who is knowledgeable about the individual needs of families which are separating.

The State of Washington has a support schedule to determine child support for dependent children. The schedule is based on the number of children, the children’s ages and needs as well as the spouses’ income. Using the schedule will give a minimum standard to be followed by parents. A family lawyer can help determine the specific and the unique situations which will determine the actual amount which should be paid.

If parents are given joint custody and the child spends 50 percent of the time with each parent, then the parent making the most money may be ordered to pay support.

Many problems occur when a parent refuses to pay. This parent may be sued for contempt of court. In the State of Washington a parent not paying child support can have his or her driver’s license suspended or wages garnished.

Call Lambert Law for more information about Child Support. 360-737-1473.

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