DUI Arrest? You Deserve an Experienced Vancouver, WA Attorney

If you’ve been busted for a DUI are you waiting to see what happens at the arraignment? Are you going to get a copy of the police report and read up on the field sobriety test, the preliminary alcohol screen and the requirements for the blood or breath tests?

Think this through very clearly. Regardless of how strong or weak you think your case is, you need an experienced Vancouver, WA DUI attorney. A lawyer with DUI experience can help you decide if you have missed something important. Your life and your future is worth an expert’s opinion.

An experienced DUI attorney will have knowledge of the court system, and an understanding of plea bargain deals, as well as the ability to navigate the complex administrative procedures.

There are several possible repercussions after being arrested for DUI, such as:

Criminal Punishment:

  • Court proceedings
  • Jail time
  • Probation
  • Personal monitoring
  • Diagnostic evaluations
  • Required treatment
  • Counseling and classes
  • Fines, costs and assessments

Washington Department of Licensing (DOL) Retribution:

  • DOL proceedings and hearings
  • Driver’s license suspension, or revocation (possibly for life)
  • Financial responsibility and personal monitoring requirements

Financial Consequences:

  • Court and DOL proceeding costs, fines and assessments
  • Bail fees
  • Monitoring device costs and probation fees
  • Evaluation, treatment and required rehabilitation counseling and class costs
  • Vehicle impoundment cost (possible seizure and forfeiture)
  • Increased insurance cost (“SR22” certification frequently required)
  • Loss of pay or self-employment income
  • Civil liability for injury to persons and/or property (more court time and costs)

Employment Problems:

  • DUI conviction (and in some instances simply the DUI arrest) can impair job eligibility and may disqualify some from continuing present employment or professional certification. Commercial drivers, medical-health professionals, teachers , law enforcement personnel, Liquor Control Board permitted persons (bartenders, servers, facility managers and owners) and those who hold a pilot’s license are just some who are at risk. Note: a commercial driver’s license is in jeopardy even when the DUI arrest occurred while they were not driving their commercial vehicle.  Finally, military personnel and those who work for the military may be subject to military discipline regardless of the DUI proceeding outcome in civilian court.

Other Consequences upon DUI Conviction:

  • Immigration:   DUI conviction may impair citizenship eligibility, and may be a deportable offense
  • Restricted Travel: May not be able to enter Canada; renting a vehicle may be more difficult
  • Voting rights are lost upon Felony DUI conviction
  • Personal and family life will be disrupted by the DUI arrest and subsequent proceedings

Contact Lambert Law immediately. You deserve to have an experienced Vancouver, WA DUI attorney with you every step of the way. 

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