Retain Child Custody by Contact a Vancouver WA Family Attorney

You always want to be a part of their lives.

You always want to be a part of their lives.

During a divorce parents, both mothers and fathers, become frightened about the prospect of losing custody or having their visitation rights restricted.

Every case is different and you would need to come in and talk with an attorney at Lambert Law to know exactly your best course of action. However, there are a few basic do’s and don’ts for protecting the relationship between you and your children.

Don’t move out

Until a parenting plan has been created it is important to remain in the home. Often parents, especially fathers, make the mistake of moving out in an effort to reduce the conflict. This can decrease the amount of time you spend with your children.

Stay involved with your child’s activities

The stress on your child should be minimized during the divorce. Children should keep their schedules and daily routines.  Continue to attend sporting events and other activities.  You will want to demonstrate to the courts that you are an active and involved parent, which is essential to protect your rights.

Act in the best interest of your child

You need to be willing to co-parent and cooperate.

Educate yourself by speaking with an experienced family law attorney.

Custody disputes are some of the most difficult legal issues a parent can face.  With the help of an experienced Vancouver, WA lawyer you will get help protecting the relationship you have with your kids.

Contact Lambert Law today 360-737-1473  for more suggestions and a firm that is genuinely concerned about your situation.

Click here to make an online appointment.

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