Vancouver, WA Family Attorney Helps Decide About Court

Sometimes “taking it to court” is not the best course of action. As family law attorneys in Vancouver, WA we sometimes see instances where preserving a good co-parenting relationship is worth letting things go without seeking the court’s assistance.

Sometimes after a divorce, emotions are still raw and parents want to run to court if their ex-spouse is an hour late picking up or returning a child. They get very angry over a late child support payment.

If these kinds of things are habitual and point to a bigger problem, then by all means, call us at Lambert Law. That is what we are here for. But make sure this is not a one-time mistake that is worth forgiving.

You might, however want to take steps to preserve the evidence of misdeeds which are building up. You may need this evidence later on. This might mean saving emails or keeping records. If you are trying to substantiate a pattern this is a crucial step.

Later on the court may be appreciative of your efforts to resolve issues without the court’s assistance.

Preserving your relationship as you co-parent is not the only reason you should hesitate to litigate over every issue. Cost is also a consideration. Even if a divorce attorney has told you that you will most likely win, sometimes the cost of litigating will be greater than the amount you stand to receive.

Deciding whether or not to take legal action is something you should discuss with a family law attorney.

If you are unsure how to proceed, contact Lambert Law offices. We will give you honest advice. 360-737-1473.

Go here to see what others are saying about the services they receive at this Vancouver, WA family law office.




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