Vancouver, WA DUI Services from Lambert Law

If you have been busted for a DUI, you may be confused and unsure what to do next.

The consequences for being convicted of DUI are varied. You could receive a variety of criminal punishments. These include:  jail time, probation, personal monitoring, diagnostic evaluations, required treatment, counseling classes or fines.

You might also have to deal with the Washington Department of Licensing retribution: This could mean a driver’s license suspension, a driver’s license revocation or paying financial retribution.

Your life could be disrupted for many years or possibly forever. You really don’t have the luxury of hoping this will go away.  You need to contact Lambert Law Office 360-737-1473 immediately.

The lawyers at Lambert Law Office are dedicated to help ease any legal ramifications.

Click here to see the services we provide for those facing a DUI charge.

Call 360-737-1473.

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