So much negative is said about divorce and the negative impact divorces have on both men and women and the children.
This is why even Vancouver, WA divorce attorneys found the research by Kingston University an eye opener.
During the study, researchers surveyed 10,000 people in U.K. and asked them to rate their own happiness before and after major milestones. The surveys continued for two decades.
The article by Sam Goodwin posted in HNGN reads in part:
“Researchers were surprised to find that women were happier and more satisfied with their lives after their divorces came through. This happiness was most prominent in the five years following the divorce. During this time, women were observed to be happier than they had been their entire life. Men also felt slightly happier after their divorces came through but the increase in happiness was much lower than that observed in women.
Researchers were surprised to find that women were happier and more satisfied with their lives after their divorces came through. This happiness was most prominent in the five years following the divorce. During this time, women were observed to be happier than they had been their entire life. Men also felt slightly happier after their divorces came through but the increase in happiness was much lower than that observed in women.”
There may be several reasons why women are happier after divorce:
- Women are more likely to surround themselves with a support system than men are
- Women have different emotional coping strategies
- Women are less likely to turn to negative coping mechanisms such as alcohol, casual sex, drugs, etc.
- Women are more likely to try new things after a divorce
As a divorce attorney in Vancouver, WA, Crystal Lambert tries to help all of her clients meet the challenges of divorce.
Located in Vancouver, WA, Lambert Law Office represents men and women, fathers, mothers, domestic partners, grandparents, extended family and adoptive parents in the resolution of family law issues. She understands that each matter — from divorce, to child custody, to adoption — is unique, and carries with it unique goals.
Call or click here to read more about Lambert Law.
Lambert Law will give you the sensitive kind of help you need. 360-737-1473.