Parental alienation is an important topic, especially when it comes to a messy divorce. An important side of the story is how this alienation devastates the parent who has been rejected by their child. This parent is most often referred to as the “targeted parent.” Oftentimes, the parent who is alienating the other parent has some level of personality disorder. Some researchers also suggest that this targeted parent had a difficult relationship with their children prior to the separation. It is also quite common for this parent to not truly understand how their behavior led to the rocky relationship
It is important for the targeted parent to consider the how and why of the situation if they are to find a way to maintain a relationship with their children. The targeted parent faces many choices as to how to move forward, including:
- Continuing to seek love from children who may have been brainwashed: May be difficult. This is because your love may be met with rejection.
- Falling into depression or despair.
- Wait until their child “grows up” and moves out of the home.
- Targeted parents sometimes simply let go of their child and move on without them.
A targeted parent should seek help from a support group or counseling to help them find ways to cope, and they should have decent representation to ensure they receive the parental rights they deserve. Click here to read more about the effects of alienation in a divorce! Click here to contact Lambert Law Office today!