Fighting over a child can never be anything but devastating for the parents and especially for the child. There is a lot of emotional disrupting and angst for all parties involved.
The United States Supreme court will be hearing one of these custody battles cases. In 2006 a sergeant in the American Army married a Scottish national. They have a 5-year-old daughter. Their countries have conflicting jurisdictional laws governing who has rights to the child.
How unfortunate this situation is for the little girl. How unfortunate this situation is for any child.
Crystal Lambert-Schroeder is concerned about the children in every custody battle. She has a degree in psychology and human development. She completed her legal education, but never forgot the lessons she learned about child development. She has been active in the YWCA Safechoice Legal Clinic.
She is the attorney you want with you as you look out for your interests during the divorce, but more importantly, as she watches out for your child’s well-being.
Call your Vancouver, WA divorce attorney at (360) 737-1473. A family law attorney that can help as you adjust to your new life.