5 Promises to Make to Your Children After Your Divorce

Lambert Law Office, a top divorce Attorney in Vancouver WA, has five promises you might consider making to your children after your divorce.

I promise to keep your life as normal as humanly possible.” Children love structure and routine and it would likely help your children if you could do your best to keep changes to a minimum.Mom and child divorce attorney Vancouver WA

“I’m going make spending time with you a priority.” What you’re really promising here is not to let yourself get lost in the drama of your divorce and neglect your children’s needs. Yes, you need to take care of yourself, but your children would likely benefit from you making them a top priority as well.

“I’m going to give you the tools to answer questions about my divorce.” When you’re not around people may ask your children about your divorce. Make sure you give them advice on how to answer the most obvious questions. Or, at the very least, you could coach them to say “You’ll have to ask my mom and dad about that.”

“I promise to find you a support group.” You don’t necessarily have to find an actual support group but it would help to find others, preferably the same age as your children, that can relate to what they’re going through.

“I promise to be proactive.” It would be beneficial if you didn’t wait until your children act out to get help. Schedule appointments with professionals as soon as possible so your children can discuss their feelings about your divorce.

This divorce attorney in Vancouver WA is indebted to the Child Centered Divorce Blog for much of the content in this article.

To speak to someone at Lambert Law Office click here.