Coping With Back To School After Divorce

Sad Child on BusThe transition back to school can be extra hard on children who have parents that have recently divorced. Crystal Lambert-Schroeder, Vancouver WA divorce attorney, has some advice for easing the high emotions your kids might be feeling.

The school is on your side

Before school starts, chat with your child’s teacher and let them know what’s going on in your child’s life. They can be another set of eyes and ears should your child begin acting out, showing signs of depression, or withdrawing into themselves.

Check in with the school psychologist/counselor as well. They can direct you to any support services the school district or community has to offer.

Talk to your child

Prepare your child for any changes in school routine since the divorce. Perhaps they will need to complete their homework at both parent’s house, or they will need to get up earlier than they used to due to a move.

If your expectations are still the same regarding school performance, let them know where they can find help if they are having difficulty focusing or understanding the materials. Encourage them to share their feelings with you or a trusted adult if they are feeling overwhelmed by their academic responsibilities.

For more information about kids and divorce, check out the Child Centered Divorce Blog.

Vancouver WA Divorce Attorney Crystal Lambert-Schroeder is a compassionate attorney, and an expert in divorces involving children. Please contact her today for assistance.