A Vancouver WA Divorce Attorney Discusses the Benefits of Pets During Divorce

It is no doubt that divorce can be one of the biggest traumas in the life of a child. It not only boosts their sense of insecurity but also gives them the feeling of being out of control. It can heighten the feeling of being alone, lost, or abandoned. During this time, pets can often be helpful. If you already have a pet, consider letting your child have as much access to them as possible. There is a great emotional benefit to your children having a companion during this messy time.chihuahua-621112_640

If you don’t already have a pet, consider getting one. You should only do this if you are in a place in your life to be responsible to that innocent animal during this time of additional stress in your life. If a pet is not something you can handle right, consider giving your children time to play with animals in some way, such as the pets of friends and family or animals at petting zoos.

In the United States, nearly 65% of households have pets. According to the National Pet Owners Survey, 39% of these households have at least one dog, while 34% have one or more cats.

Here are six benefits of owning a pet during the divorce process:

  • Unconditional Love
  • Confidence
  • Security
  • Bridge Communication Gap
  • Stress Reduction
  • Best Friend

To read more about the benefits of owning a pet throughout the divorce process, click here.

If your family is experiencing divorce, consider a Vancouver WA Divorce and Family Law Attorney who cares. Click here to contact Lambert Law Office.