Vancouver WA Family Law Expert: How Those Who Have Been Divorced Can Help

If you have been divorced, you can be an great source of support if one of your friends or loved ones goes through a divorce. Our Vancouver WA family law expert explains how you can help.

Remember, unsolicited advice is bad advice, no matter how well-intentioned. Share some of your own stories, but avoid telling your friend what to do, even if she is about to make a mistake. Hold your tongue and practice active listening. Your friend will appreciate having a sounding board from someone who has been there.

Senior woman consoling her daughterAsk if your friend needs divorce resources. Did you belong to a divorce support group? Does your community offer free or low cost medical services? Where did you seek financial advice?

Pamper your friend, especially during difficult times, like anniversary dates and holidays. A trip to the spa or just a small gift can help her feel less lonely and reminder her that she is loved.

Gently remind your friend that her health is important. If you’ve noticed a lack of appetite, let her know of any vitamins or nutritional supplements that helped you feel better. Offer to take walks, or attend a group exercise class with her.

As long as your support is free from judgement, and comes from the heart, your loved one will appreciate your help.

Crystal Schroeder-Lambert, Vancouver WA family law attorney, can provide you with compassionate legal representation. Contact her here today.