Every state has their own laws. Hire a family lawyer or divorce attorney who knows the laws in Washington State.
One of the biggest mistakes individuals make is waiting too long to consult a family lawyer about their family law case. Without proper representation, you may be losing out on rights you have through the process that you simply don’t know about.
At Lambert Law we know the case could have gone differently had we been allowed to represent you from the beginning.
Here are some occasions when you really want to speak with a family law attorney before doing anything binding:
- If you are about to get married and you want to protect the assets you currently have.
- If you are served with a petition, motion, notice or other court document.
- If you are considering filing a petition or complaint in your family law case.
- If you are experiencing a change in your family’s circumstances.
If you come into Lambert Law, we can explain the process which you need to take in any of the above situations. This does not mean you are obligated to hire us to represent you.
Click here to read about the services we provide.
Call today 360-737-1473.