Your Vancouver WA Attorney Discusses the Importance of Dismissing Permanence

It is common to believe that relationships will last forever, but in reality, approximately half of those who marry will divorce. Divorce has been known to create as much grief as a death. This grief can be made worth depending on an attachment to a sense of permanence. It seems as though mastering skills of acceptance and coping with change might be a valuable thing. The more change is resisted, the greater the chance a person may fall into feelings of grief, depression, guilt, shame, anger, and anxiety.  When so much time is spent resisting change, we risk being in denial. If you choose to learn how to move forward, you mat be able to count your blessings and feel at ease knowing that new thing lie ahead.


It is normal for young children to face change with temper tantrums because they are not used to change. By adulthood we should have figured out ways to cope, and when things don’t go as planned we typically cannot have a melt down. We all become frustrated sometimes and that is normal, but finding a way to deal with that frustration in an effective manner can make a great deal of difference in our outlook on life. Adaptation is the goal, which can only be achieved through practice and dedication. To read more about permanence and how it can keep you from moving forward, click here!

To contact an attorney who will always have your best interests at heart, click here! Lambert Law Office, they are your Vancouver, WA attorney who wants to be your advocate.