You want more for your child than a day of staring at his electronics. Make sure your parenting plan include provisions for extracurricular activities.
There are a myriad of extracurricular activities that children can be involved in. These can start at a very young age with Mommy and Me classes. As children get older there is gymnastics, tennis, aerobics, volleyball, French club, the debate team, student government, scouts, 4-H, jazz band or ultimate Frisbee. Just to name a few.
When parents live together they decide whether the household can afford specific activities, whether there is enough time to transport children, and whether the child has sufficient interest in being involved.
Extracurricular activities can have a major impact on the child’s schedule. This, of course, means an incredible impact on the parent’s schedule as well as their bank account.
When parents are not living together, decisions about sports, clubs, and other activities can be especially difficult.
Sometimes, the parenting plan and/or child support order will dictate how decisions for extracurricular activities are made. This parenting plan might dictate how the parents split the cost of activities. A plan such as this is the exception. Most parenting plans give little guidance. Much of this will be left up to you.
When you are deciding on extracurricular activities consider the following:
- Where is the child living when the activity will be taking place? Will the custodial parent be able and willing to make sure the child is able to fully participate?
- Is the cost going to be prohibitive? Will your ex be willing to help pay?
You would be wise to consider the interests of your child as the divorce is being finalized. Speak with your family lawyer about how participation in extracurricular activities will be decided on and funded.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lambert Law by calling our Vancouver, WA office at 360-737-1473, or you can click here to schedule an appointment.
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