Lambert Law- An Experienced Vancouver WA Family Lawyer

There are several reasons for a court to order an increase in child support payments. A Vancouver, WA family lawyer can help you successfully petition the court for an increase in child support payments.

A court approval will need to be obtained for any child support modifications. A divorce attorney could help you arrange this. Typically the parent who wants to change the child support must go to court in order to specify the new amount.  Even if you and your ex-spouse agree on the new amount, the court will not enforce a verbal agreement if the paying parent falls behind.

A divorce attorney will help you fill out the correct forms and ensure the judge understands the reasoning behind the need for a change.  The requested change to support should be in the child’s best interests and based on a substantial change in circumstances.

Court procedures can become very complex and require some legal experience. If you feel things have changed significantly since the first court order of support, get a qualified family law attorney who will represent your interests in court.

Lambert Law is an excellent choice. They are a family law office in Vancouver, WA that has the best interest of children in mind at all times. As divorce attorneys they know what is the best procedure.

Call Lambert Law today. 360-737-1473.