This is not a new blog subject. It is just so incredibly important that we feel it is essential that we continue to remind parents about the proper way to deal with your children during a divorce.
There are better ways to break the news to your kids. You need to think about how, what and when to tell your children about the separation.
You are not going to be the only one who is feeling hurt, pain, loss and anger about the changes. This will be stressful for you. It will also be a stressful time for your children.
Take the time to discuss with your spouse what you are going to say and how you will say it.
It’s always nice to be able to give the kids a timeline as to what is going to happen so children will understand the day-to-day facts.

Children should be assured that their friends and other relationships will not suffer from the divorce.
Consider the following:
- Tell the children while you are together and as early as possible.
- By telling them together you are proving that your decision is mutual, mature and rational. Don’t be surprised if your children already suspect.
- Be prepared to explain where everyone will be living and when everyone will be able to see one another and how the children will be able to communicate with their parents.
- Be honest but be age-appropriate. Don’t give younger children too much information. Teenagers may question the fidelity of one parent.
- Try to see things through your children’s eyes.
- Be prepared for all types of reactions.
- Listen.
- Keep the children out of the middle.
As you go through this change in your life, think about your children through every step.
At Lambert law, we are extremely interested in helping you transition to a different family structure in the least disruptive way possible.
Click here to read what others are saying about the service they receive from this Vancouver WA family layers.
Call for a consultation 360-737-1473.