Family Attorney in Vancouver WA Handles Divorce and Adoption

child and dadLast blog we talked about some of the things a judge will look at before allowing you to adopt a child. Right now we want to talk about the adoption process.

Recognize that every adoption is unique. These steps are what would occur in most uncontested adoptions. International adoptions would definitely have additional laws depending on which country the child was coming from.

First step is to get consent from the biological parents by way of an affidavit. In an adoption involving a same-sex couple where one partner became pregnant by way of donor sperm no consent is necessary.

The second step would be to file a petition for adoption. These documents need to be filed to begin the adoption process.

Pre-placement evaluation. A state approved social worker will conduct a post-placement evaluation. This means they will come to your home, interview perspective parent(s) and other children in the household that will be siblings. A background check will be done on each party.

Consent for a Clark County Adoption—This assures that there was no coercion involved in the placement.

Scheduling a finalization hearing

Finalization hearing—The parent(s) and child appear in court. The parties provide testimony stating they believe the adoption is in the child’s best interest. All final documents are reviewed and signed.

Documentation—A new birth certificate naming the adoptive parent(s) is created.

At Lambert Law we are there for you every step of the way. Contact us today 360-737-1473.

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