In most situations, the rules across households should be similar. That said, children might still seek out the differences between their parents. There will always be some inconsistencies, and once these are recognized, the children will likely take advantage. This understanding may allow them to find ways to manipulate their parents or pin them against each other. On the other hand, when both homes have similar routines, children can easily adjust and benefit from the stability. You may notice that your child enjoys the power of finding ways to upset their parents or manipulate to get what they want. Keeping your cool and simply explaining that the rules are different at your house can help put an end to the drama.
Parents can fight back against these forces by working hard to present a united front in discipline. This will help children understand what to expect in their environment. To begin the process of using similar discipline strategies, parents can sit down and discuss their styles and the rules they want to enforce. While not everything needs to be done exactly the same, finding a balance is a great option. Click here to read more about disciplining across households.
Divorce can be a complicated thing, and struggling to find the co-parenting balance will often complicate the situation. Click here to read more about a divorce lawyer in Vancouver WA who is experienced in dealing with families.