Crystal Lambert–A Family Lawyer Dedicated to Solving Conflict

Her Christmas and the rest of her Christmases are important to Crystal Lambert.

Her Christmas and the rest of her Christmases are important to Crystal Lambert.

Many couples who have been having troubles decide to hang on until after Christmas to avoid upsetting their families during the season.

Family law attorneys in Vancouver have seen the pattern over and over. Researchers can give statistics, but it doesn’t take a researcher or a divorce attorney to understand some of the reasons that this phenomenon occurs.

Sometimes the strain of spending time together over the holiday is the last straw. Sometimes families just try to give their kids one last Christmas united.

Whatever your reason for deciding to change your family’s circumstances, you should seek legal advice at an early stage, preferably even before the separation. Doing so can solve a lot of problems for the future.

After your children’s emotional health, you need to be concerned about safeguarding family and business assets.  Often there is one partner that is economically weaker and should know in advance of the separation how to negotiate a financial settlement.

Read more about Crystal and her background now.

You can also call her office at 360-737-1473. This is a Vancouver, WA family lawyer who wants the best for you and the rest of your family.